
Gemadept continues to lead the Top 10 prestigious Logistics companies in 2021

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On December 17, 2021, Vietnam Report officially announced the list of Top 10 prestigious Logistics companies in 2021. Accordingly, Gemadept Corporation is once again honored as the leading enterprise in the "Top 10 prestigious Logistics companies in 2021 - International freight forwarding, Warehousing, Third-party and fourth-party logistics services".

The listing of Top 10 prestigious logistics companies in 2021 is built on scientific and objective principles. Companies are assessed and ranked based on three main criteria: (1) Financial capacity shown on the most recent annual financial report; (2) Media reputation assessed by Media Coding - encoding the company's articles on influential media channels; (3) Research subjects and stakeholders survey conducted in October-November 2020.

The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2021 has seriously affected the Vietnamese and global economy, putting businesses in extremely difficult situations, and the logistics enterprises are no exception. The fact that once again, Gemadept is leading the Top 10 prestigious Logistics companies in 2021 has demonstrated the spirit, the will, and the determination of the Gemadept people who are always proactive in creating and offering outstanding solutions, continuing to promote opportunities in investment development of seaport and logistics system as well as upgrading infrastructure and equipment to serve the manufacturing and import-export industries of Vietnam. The market and partners trust Gemadept as a leading port and logistics operator in the country with a comprehensive integrated logistics and port ecosystem, forming the backbone for more effective, superior, and highly competitive Logistics solutions.

Overcoming the difficulties of 2021, Gemadept continues to expand its Distribution center system, develop logistics services both in width and depth, and at the same time put Gemalink Deep-sea Port into operation from January 1, 2021. Simultaneously, the Company has invested in expanding the wharf, purchasing more modern cargo handling equipment for existing ports such as Nam Dinh Vu Port, Binh Duong Port, upgrading the warehouse system, etc. to increase operating capacity and meet the market demand. Gemadept also focus on investing in digital transformation and bringing technology into the logistics journey with applications such as Smart Port, River Gate…, to improve productivity as well as the customer’s experience when using the Company’s services. In the same year, Gemadept also won many other prestigious awards such as the ‘Top 500 most profitable Companies in Vietnam in 2021’, 'Top 50 best listed companies in Vietnam' honored by Forbes, etc.

Over the past three decades, Gemadept has always been dedicated to the mission of "Contributing to promoting economic flows, creating added value for the country, businesses, and accompanying partners through a chain of outstanding services and solutions." There are still many difficulties and challenges ahead. However, challenges always go hand in hand with opportunities. Logistics is still an area that is currently attracting a lot of attention and investment in Vietnam and is expected to significantly grow thanks to supporting industries, automobile manufacturing, electronic components manufacturing, and the Government’s investment policy in key economic regions.

Besides, international trade agreements such as CPTPP, EVFTA, RCEP, etc. will be an important boost to production and import-export activities of the whole country in general and the logistics enterprises like Gemadept in particular. With projects that have been actively deployed and expanded, Gemadept is ready to head faster and deeper into the global value chain, being worthy of its role as one of the leading Company in the Port - Logistics industry in Vietnam.



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